
Monday, 8 January 2024

3. How do people deal with negative emotions?


2. How do people deal with negative emotions?

I cried, while feeling the mixture of emotions in my life. After, I had to see the reality as it is. I looked at all that I have achieved with God's grace and I realised that I was not alone. I also have family, friends and love. I took care of myself and find out how strong I was that I didn't even know. I did not choose to go through my experiences but I am grateful that I went through them. The hardship in my life is what had helped me to discover who I am and what are my values and strengths that I didn't know I had. 

Feelings of stress, anxiety overwhelmed,  disgust, confusion, anger, sadness, and helplessness, it is ok to have these feelings. At this stage you might question yourself and be uncertain about what decisions to make. In the last decades, positive psychology came about and instead of curing diseases it tries to focus on resources and instead of excluding negative emotions it aims to use them for growth. Negative emotions are there to help you if you connect to them.

Martin Seligman the founder of positive psychology believes  that there was more to psychology beyond negative feelings, damage, disease and weakness. Positive psychology study message also focusses on virtues and strength such as having positive emotions, relationships and achievements. Treatment is not  only about fixing what is wrong but  building what is right too. Brene Brown (researcher story teller) believes that uncertainty is a combination of vulnerability, risk and emotional exposure to things that makes us uncomfortable.

I know how hard it is to try to get up and touch the sky when the clouds are heavy and grey, I have been there. Yet, I want you to know that whatever emotions and feelings you are going through now will not be there forever. even though it feels like it. They are only temporarily and will soon pass. take one step at the time, live one day at the time. Have faith eventually, the sky will clear up and the clouds will be light again


 For instance, Martin Seligman suggests that you focus more on what you can get out of life rather than what you cannot. Whereas, Brene Brown understanding of vulnerability is that  we should allow ourselves to be deeply seen and have the courage to let go who we think we should be to enable us to be who we are. The reason why is because those who embraced vulnerability fully and kept on moving even in the hard times.  They believed that what makes them vulnerable makes them beautiful. I suggest that you really take care of yourself in the hard times because your enduring during those challenging times will pay off later. Do not take  the easy way out but the way your feelings, emotions, intuition and inner peace are leading you even if your mind is telling you lies. As this can be the open door for your happiness or to know the unknown. Never give up and put yourself first, take care of yourself. Do not expect nobody to do it for you. Your family and friends are going to be there for you but there are somethings that nobody can do for you. You have to stand up for yourself.

Both Psychology agreed that we should focus on the positive side of life, not the negatives. As the credit belongs to those who give their best and even if they fail, they keep on trying. Remember what makes you vulnerable makes you beautiful.! 

Listen to yourself, your body sensations, your instincts. What are the negative emotions telling you to do in relation to the situation you are going through? Do you make a decision while feeling a mixture of emotions or do you calmly connect to your emotions and figure out what message they are bringing you? Deep inside even though you don't want to listen to them. But what are your emotions truly telling you to do when you are calm?

Let me know your thoughts on this post. Also, your suggestions on the topic to write about, I am here for you.
