4. What strategies to deal with negative emotions can be useful and productive?
When facing challenging times I did what I could do with what I had. I was kind to myself, I did the things I like, I ate well, I did exercise even when I didn't feel like doing anything. I spoke to my trusted friends and family members. I expressed gratitude, helped other people.
I was proactive I searched for other meanings and purpose such as studying, while going through the pain and making sense of the hardship situations I was going through in my life, I put myself in first place, I read relevant books, watched motivational videos/ speeches, I fed my mind, spirit and body with positive things. When you don't know what to do when going through hardship, don't worry. Only do what you can, live one day at time and know that you are not alone, pray.
Refusing to accept, numb or to acknowledge the called negative or discomfort emotions, to protect yourself does not help in a log ran. Neither ignoring the reality of the facts that can be the stress. depression, anxiety, divorce, unemployment, losing a loved one, a tragic accident, betrayal, or any other unpleasant circumstances.
Lifespan is like a flash at some point life can hit you so hard that you will find it hard to lift your body weight your mind and spirit up.Nobody can do this for you. Only you can bounce back and fight for your life. why? because of all the things you have achieved alone until the day everything turns upside down.
Susan David (who created the emotional agility concept see the link bellow:) shows that those emotionally agile are not protected from life setbacks and stress.Yet, they know how to gain insight into feelings at challenging times. Consequently, their experiences to adapt accordingly to their actions and make the best choices for themselves.
We can become emotionally agile when facing hardship by first showing up, having compassion accepting all our emotions, thoughts and stories that we are experiencing without judgement. Second stepping up, by distancing ourselves from what we are feeling. For example if we are feeling sad, take notice that we are feeling sad, not that we are sad. Making sure that we label the emotion correctly. Third, connect with our emotions, needs and values, what is important to us? who do we want to be?.
fourth, moving through our emotions because emotions are data so what are your called negative emotions telling you according to your needs and values? Have the courage to take action even if you feel fear take small steps, live one day at time. Remember that you can be agile by developing skills such as calm, empathy for yourself and for other people. Also, when you connect to your values this ability allow's you to seek your purpose, never give up on yourself.
Unddertanding what your discomfort emotions are telling you will enable you to move foward. My advice to you reflecting on my own experience is to remind you that your are not alone, have faith. Also, family and friends are there to support you, ask for help.
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